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Deep Water Aqua Exercise - IVC

ID : 6691   
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Deep water exercise is a non-impact, full-body workout in water. Submerge yourself into the deep end of a pool for a water fitness workout, your body becomes weightless, giving you a new kind of workout challenge. While deep water aerobics has a low impact on your joints, it has a high impact on your cardiovascular system. Students will wear a flotation belt for support in the deep water to perform deep water aerobics routines.

An aqua exercise belt will be required for this class at a cost of $25-$35. Belt recommendations and information about where to purchase this item will be provided.

Class Details

20 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon, Tue, Thu

Miwok Aquatic and Fitness Center

Rose Murphy 



Please read:  Class will be held in the competition pool until September 8, 2024 An aqua exercise belt will be required for this class. It may be provided by instructor or purchased at a cost of $25-$35; belt recommendations will be provided by the instructor.



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 04/07/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/24/2025 - 5/8/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Thu 01:20 PM - 02:20 PM Novato, Miwok Aquatic and Fitness Center  Map, Room: Miwok Pool Rose Murphy 

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