Teaching with College of Marin Community Education Course Proposal, Approval, Support & FAQ's College of Marin’s (COM) Community Education program provides not-for-credit short courses of high quality that are responsive, up-to-date, and accessible. Community Education is a financially self-supporting program.
We are specifically looking for instructors in the following areas: Aquatics, Art, Crafts and Hiking. ![]()
PROPOSING A COURSE: Submission for a new course is relatively simple, and involves an instructor sending materials to the Community Education department. Please forward the following documents to: proposal@marincommunityed.com.
Submission Deadline for Summer/Fall 2025:
Friday, February 7th, 2025, 5:00 PM Note: Materials must be Word documents or PDF's COURSE APPROVAL:
Following course proposal submission, these steps will be taken: Community Education Director and program staff will review the course proposal. If it’s determined that the course is viable, an interview will be set up with the potential instructor and Director of Community Education. If agreed upon, the course proposal will then be sent on to the District Curriculum Committee for approval. Lastly, the course will go to the College of Marin Board of Trustees for final approval. COURSE SUPPORT: If the course is approved the instructor will be hired to work as a College of Marin Community Education instructor at a pay of $53 per hour. Community Education staff, who will provide multiple forms of support: Course registration for all students, including payment, online 24 hours a day and purchase of course materials (staff can purchase for instructor or instructor can purchase and be reimbursed). Logistical support, including reserving classroom or lab space, if needed and marketing through the Community Education class schedule that goes out to over 110,000 residents in Marin County each academic term PROPOSAL FAQ's: How will I know my proposal has been received? We will send you a confirmation upon receiving your materials. Will I be updated as to the status of my proposal? Community Education reviews proposals twice a year in August and February. We evaluate each submission carefully and contact potential instructors. Please see table below.
Can I teach remotely or on campus? Currently we are offering both remote classes, via the Zoom platform, and in person classes at both the Kentfield and Indian Valley campuses. What are your current COVID-19 requirements? Please visit COM Strong for COVID-19 information and safety measures. I have more questions, who can I contact? Please contact proposal@marincommunityed.com for more information about the proposal process. Disclaimer: Community Education does not accept paper submissions. Please forward all material electronically to proposal@marincommunityed.com. |