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Wisdom Healing Qigong

ID : 6630   
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Through movement, visualization, sound, breathing, and conscious intention to cultivate energy for health, well-being, and self-healing, the ancient practice of Wisdom Healing (Zhening) Qigong strengthens the body, reduces stress, heals dis-ease, activates more life energy, enhances mental clarity and emotional stability. It is especially beneficial for people with high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, arthritis, cancers, chronic fatigue, and other imbalances.
Based on the teachings of Dr. Pang Ming, founder of the largest Medicineless Hospital in China, students will participate in a collective healing chi field and learn the basic Wisdom Healing Practices including Lift Chi Up and Pour Chi Down (LCUPCD), Wallsquatts, 3 Centers Merging, and LaChi. This practice is for everyone, all ages and abilities. 
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Class Details

7 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

Zoom Virtual Classroom

Dove Govrin 



Please read:  Please dress appropriately in loose, comfortable clothing, and have clean shoes to protect the floor.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
1/30/2025 - 3/13/2025 Weekly - Thu 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online, Zoom Virtual Classroom  Map Dove Govrin 

Other Class Offerings

ID: 6631

04/03/25 - 05/15/25
Weekly - Thu
7 sessions.