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Zumba ® Gold KTD with Toning

ID : 6330   
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Join the Party! Zumba®Gold is a fusion of Latin and other international music and dance that creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective total body workout, specifically designed for active older adults, including those who have tried Zumba and would like a similar experience with lower impact and intensity, and/or those just beginning their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. Movements can be modified for individuals who use a chair. Zumba Gold I is a beginning class.

Please wear comfortable clothing and supportive athletic shoes or dance sneakers that allow you to move easily. Bring water and come prepared to have fun! Zumba Gold I is a beginning class.  Please e-mail the instructor at for more information.


Class Details

10 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue, Thu

Physical Education Center

Diana Scranton 



Please read:  Please wear comfortable clothing and supportive athletic shoes or dance sneakers that allow you to move easily. Bring water and come prepared to have fun! Zumba Gold I is a beginning class. Please e-mail the instructor at for more information.



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 07/04/2024)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
6/18/2024 - 7/23/2024 Weekly - Tue, Thu 02:10 PM - 03:00 PM Kentfield, Physical Education Center  Map, Room: 60 Diana Scranton 

Other Class Offerings

ID: 6331

06/18/24 - 07/23/24
Weekly - Tue, Thu
10 sessions.