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Wild Goose Qigong Summer 2024

ID : 6310   
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Wild Goose Qigong is an ancient practice, 1700 years old. It is a non-strenuous discipline which generates health and balanced well-being. This summer we will go through a lovely set of 64 flowing movements that imitate the daily activities of the wild goose, a bird much venerated in China. This is a wonderful introduction class to the Wild Goose and a great review for experienced students. Warm-up stretches, self-massage of acupressure points, and meditation are included in this daily routine of self-care, strengthening the immune system. Improves posture, balance, strength and flexibility.

Class Details

4 Session(s)
Weekly - Fri

Physical Education Center

Dove Govrin 



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
7/5/2024 - 7/26/2024 Weekly - Fri 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Kentfield, Physical Education Center  Map, Room: 60 Dove Govrin